Scarf Art Newsletter – “Optimize October”

Scarf Art Newsletter – “Optimize October”

Thank God, being diagnosed with Breast Cancer or any form of cancer is not a death sentence.  There are so many advancements in the treatment of Breast Cancer that optimize the quality of life.  In addition to the advancements in cancer treatments, optimizing life in the face of cancer includes, but is not limited to living, fighting, giving, praying, loving and celebrating life!  Below, we’ve expounded on our version of each of these positive activities.  Although prepared with Breast Cancer patients in mind, this applies to everyone.


Of course, October has become synonymous with the color pink.  Therefore, we are celebrating the “Power of Pink” in a wide variety of Scarf Art Pre-tied Scarf Designs.  Check them out below and ONLINE!


If you are a Breast Cancer, cancer patient or caregiver, we pray the presence, power, protection, provision and peace of God be with you 24/7/365 as you live, fight, give, pray, love and celebrate life…

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