Scarf Art Newsletter – “March by Faith”

Scarf Art Newsletter – “March by Faith”

As we powerfully conclude the month of March with the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, we continue to perpetually march forward by faith. In concert with Women’s History Month, we’re celebrating multiple women of faith who’ve ministered to the masses by teaching, preaching & singing to transform the lives of women & men across the world.  We are thankful to God for their individual & collective walk, words, witness and wisdom they so powerfully share with purpose and passion, intently & consistently as living history makers. As most of us prepare to celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ on Sunday, we’ve shared some “Cheerful Giving Ideas” for you to post & share on social media and practice this week and beyond. 


 If you’ve shopped for groceries this month, you’ve encountered aisles lined with Easter Baskets geared towards kids. However, Easter Baskets are appropriate for any age from 9 to 90! We’ve provided a list of “Fillers” to create an Easter Basket for your loved one(s) at any age, everyone loves a thoughtful gift!  In addition, checkout Scarf Art products in the designated colors for Women’s History Month 2024, purple, green and white! As always, we’ve provided multiple Scarf Art Outfit Collages to spark your creativity on how to coordinate our products with your wardrobe.


In closing, may the presence, power, protection, provision and peace of God be with you and yours this Easter season and beyond.

Click Here For More,

Have a Safe & Happy Easter!


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