Scarf Art Newsletter “Nippy November”

Scarf Art Newsletter “Nippy November”

True to form, November has ushered in cold weather that forced most of us to pull out coats, hats, scarves and boots to accommodate the nippy weather, therefore, making this a “Nippy November” . As well, excitement fills the air with the start of the holiday season, beginning with Thanksgiving in less than a week. Although life is never perfect, there is sooooo much for which we are thankful. Checkout our list of the “20 Reasons for Giving Thanks”. Although we can think of hundreds, we narrowed it down to just twenty for the sake of space and time.

As most of us enjoy the luxury of gathering with those we love most to give thanks, Thanksgiving is not Thanksgiving without the foods we love! Below, we’ve provided a list of “10 Most Popular Thanksgiving Foods”. Check to see if your favorites made the list. As well, as Americans there are certain traditions we associate with Thanksgiving, football & The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade are just two. Below, we’ve provided a list of “10 United States Thanksgiving Traditions”.

As we intently give thanks for all that God has provided, we just as strongly focus of the needs of others for Thanksgiving. If you’ve run out of ideas on how to give this holiday season, checkout our list of “10 Ways to Give for Thanksgiving”. Big or small, there is always someone within your reach in need of your time, kindness, encouragement and/or cash.

As you travel this holiday season, we’ve provided lots of “cold weather scarf tying” to help you stay warm & stylish this “Nippy November” and beyond! Checkout the “cold weather scarf tying” via the “Scarf Art” Channel, don’t forget to click the button to SUBSCRIBE! All the scarves demonstrated in our videos & much more, are available for purchase ONLINE.

As we make all the outer preparations for Thanksgiving, shopping, decorating, traveling, cooking, etc. stay mindful to prepare your inner man for giving & forgiving and your waistline for EATING!



Have a Safe & Happy Thanksgiving!

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