Scarf Art Newsletter – “Jolting January”
As we live out, remember, honor and celebrate the life & legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. today, the current events of this month….2 weeks into 2023 have been jolting, which is why we’ve titled our newsletter, “Jolting January.” The very recent life threatening injury of Buffalo Bills Football Player, Damar Hamlin, the recent death of Iconic Journalist, Barbara Walters at 93 and all the life threatening weather across the country from Buffalo, NY to multiple areas in California. The number of lives lost as a result of weather is beyond jolting. Whether you’re young or old, living the dream or not, the fact that life is fleeting is a constant reminder. I’m very happy this day we can reflect, honor & celebrate one man’s dream, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., that is perpetually manifesting decades after his death. The POWER of a dream is evident today by the lives we live as a result of one man’s dream.
Although is was jolting to hear of the death of Iconic Journalist, Barbara Walters at 93, it was equally inspiring to see & know the number of women she empowered as a result of her dream as a Journalist. She fought for women to have equal opportunities to be seen and heard in all aspects of Journalism. “The View” is part of her legacy and evident of how she intently empowered other women, BEAUUUUUUUUUTIFUL! As the year progresses, we’re happy to know Damar Hamlin’ health is improving and believing for a full recovery for this young man to resume his dream as an NFL player….or maybe a new dream.
As we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King today, check out the Scarf Art African Prints Collection and more ONLINE! In addition, checkout what our customers are saying about our products, we’re LOOOOOOOOVING the LOVE!
Join us as we continue to pursue our dream of helping women across the world who are challenged by scarf tying to improve, enhance & expand their personal & professional image with all Scarf Art products. As always, we’ve got you covered in all things scarves, Pre-tied and Untied. You can purchase our pre-tied products ONLINE and learn how to tie our products and any other scarf via the “Scarf Art” Channel on YouTube.
We’re hopeful you will execute your dream and bless your family, community or even the world at large. Keep in mind the freedoms we enjoy, all the things we use on a daily bases and the types of lives we live was someone’s dream manifested, whether it was an individual or collective dream.
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