It’s That Time Again, BACK-to-SCHOOL!

It’s That Time Again, BACK-to-SCHOOL!

It’s That Time Again,



Although I’ve contributed, initiated, coordinated and participated in back-to-school drives, etc., it has been decades since I’ve been back-to-school as a student.  However, in some form or fashion, the back-to-school experience affects us all, directly & indirectly.  In the event you forget this is the back-to-school season, you will be reminded as you shop for groceries, watch the news, experience the increased traffic and school buses on the road.  The energy & excitement of the back-to-school spirit has filled the atmosphere making Summer feel more like Fall!

At this point, I think everyone is aware of the unfortunate shortage of educators and bus drivers all over the US.  Texas is definitely feeling the pinch! As parents have to alter work schedules to accommodate the bus driver shortage and schools have to creatively navigate class sizes to effectively educate. 


Since graduating college decades ago, I’ve had the pleasure of returning to a wide variety of schools/organizations to teach, encourage, share, inspire students and also recruit recent graduates for multiple companies.   The great thing is learning never stops once you’ve received a degree at any level.  Learning is a lifelong, NEVER-ending journey and that’s a good thing. We are all perpetual students of life whether we are cognizant of it or not. No one knows everything!  Therefore, I keep an open mind to shift gears from teacher to student and vice versa when the situation dictates.   The Millennials & Generation Z, etc.  have a lot to share and I’m open to learning all that is beneficial, uplifting and essential to my life’s journey.    


When it comes to back-to-school, unfortunately, one of the first things that comes to mind is the tragedy at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, TX.   The 19 Elementary School students and 2 Teachers whose lives were taken at the end of the school year.   At this point, the best we all can do is take action by praying, educating students & teachers on school safety and staying alert in all environments.  Unfortunately, this issue has effected churches, grocery stores, parades, work environments and schools.  Good always overcomes evil, therefore, we press on hoping for the very best and planning for the worst.


Praying for a safe, protected, positive, productive, progressive, happy and fun-filled school year for ALL students, educators, administrators, school nurses, cafeteria workers, janitors, bus drivers, etc., HAVE A GREAT SCHOOL YEAR! 


Scarf Art is a collection of Pre-tied and Untied scarves created for women who love wearing scarves. Scarf Art Pre-tied Scarves is a collection of pre-tied scarves created for women who are challenged by scarf tying and women who love scarves but don’t have time to tie them. Scarf Art Pre-tied Scarves give the illusion of a self-tied scarf. Presently, Scarf Art has a collection of 15 different pre-tied scarf designs and we are perpetually creating new Scarf Art scarves. The Scarf Art Pre-tied Scarves tagline is “Pre-tied for you, just button and go!”



Scarf Art also creates Group and Custom Orders for organizations, groups, etc. and provide a wide variety of fabrics online.



For those women who love to tie their own scarves, we’ve added a new line to the Scarf Art Collection, Scarf Art Untied Scarves. You can also order Scarf Art Untied ONLINE in a variety of sizes, fabrics and colors. Scarf Art Untied Scarves are available to you in both individual Scarf Art Scarves and Scarf Art Untied Scarf Bundles. The Scarf Art Bundles are an assortment of 4 scarf sizes and 4 scarf fabrics. The tagline for Scarf Art Untied Scarves is “For women who LOVE to tie scarves!”          



Scarf Art also creates custom Pre-tied & Untied Scarves in Scarf Art designs & sizes for individuals, corporations, churches, social & professional organizations, etc.   We offer volume discounts for group order, Give Us a Call to Place your order, (888) 453-8229.



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