Celebrating Our 10th Anniversary!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO, we’re excited to celebrate our 10th Year Anniversary! Time flew, then slowed waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down during this 2+ years, worldwide, Covid-19 Pandemic. Who knew, BUT GOD….that there would be a pandemic! However, in spite of we’re so very thankful and grateful to have continued creating, manufacturing and selling pre-tied and untied scarves to women who love scarves and women who are challenged by scarf tying for the past 10 years, THANK GOD! We’re thankful for every opportunity this divinely inspired product has provided, online & offline. And, VERRRRRRRRRY thankful that every order placed was filled and delivered, whether 1 or 100!
We are also very thankful to our customers, Authorized Independent Sales/Brand Ambassadors, family, friends and all supporters over the years.
TO THINK, 10 years of countless seeds, conferences, lots of time, blood, sweat, conventions, trips, customers, opportunities, connections, product demonstrations, prayers, actions, reflections, seminars, videos, models, vendors, invoices, trails and tears that have been worth every second of the sacrifice that will eventually & inevitably harvest it’s full manifestation(s) in God’ perfect time.
What we know for sure is this is a journey, not a trip!
We are grateful and wiser for all of the good, bad and ugly entrepreneurial encounters and always, optimistically moving forward, very excited to see this dream fully manifested by God’ Grace!
Scarf Art is a collection of Pre-tied and Untied scarves created for women who love wearing scarves. Scarf Art Pre-tied Scarves is a collection of pre-tied scarves created for women who are challenged by scarf tying and women who love scarves but don’t have time to tie them. Scarf Art Pre-tied Scarves give the illusion of a self-tied scarf. Presently, Scarf Art has a collection of 15 different pre-tied scarf designs and we are perpetually creating new Scarf Art scarves. The Scarf Art Pre-tied Scarves tagline is “Pre-tied for you, just button and go!”
Scarf Art also creates Group and Custom Orders for organizations, groups, etc. and provide a wide variety of fabrics online.
For those women who love to tie their own scarves, we’ve added a new line to the Scarf Art Collection, Scarf Art Untied Scarves. You can also order Scarf Art Untied ONLINE in a variety of sizes, fabrics and colors. Scarf Art Untied Scarves are available to you in both individual Scarf Art Scarves and Scarf Art Untied Scarf Bundles. The Scarf Art Bundles are an assortment of 4 scarf sizes and 4 scarf fabrics. The tagline for Scarf Art Untied Scarves is “For women who LOVE to tie scarves!”
Scarf Art also creates custom Pre-tied & Untied Scarves in Scarf Art designs & sizes for individuals, corporations, churches, social & professional organizations, etc. We offer volume discounts for group order, Give Us a Call to Place your order, (888) 453-8229.
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