Celebrating History – Biden/Harris Inauguration – January 20, 2021

Celebrating History – Biden/Harris Inauguration – January 20, 2021

We are excited to celebrate this monumental and most historical Inauguration of President, Joe Biden & Vice President, Kamala Harris on Wednesday, January 20th!
As the Former Vice President of The United States of America & 47 years of political service, it’s comforting and refreshing to imagine Joe Biden as Commander & Chief. Delayed, but not denied the opportunity to share his visions, wealth of knowledge, experience, skills and abilities in leading America. Thankfully he helped to shatter a glass ceiling and open closed doors for women in general & women of color specifically, by choosing Kamala Harris as his Vice Presidential running mate. An almost perfect union, almost because nothing is perfect!
Kamala Harris was definitely chosen, not given this position in history. Hopefully, Ms. Harris’ wealth of knowledge, experiences, skills and abilities as a seasoned lawyer, legislator, woman & woman of color will bring new perspectives to The Office of The Vice President. Elated that in her professional journey, she bravely stepped out of many boxes to master unchartered territories to be perfectly position for such a time as this in American, Black and Women’s History.
Biden/Harris Administration your collective wealth of knowledge & experience is alone impressive, “good” unchartered outcomes are anticipated for this almost perfect union of minds & hearts in the best interest of
The United States of America.
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