ENTER TODAY, “Have It Your Way” Mother’s Day Give-A-Way!
MOTHERS SHOULD HAVE IT THEIR WAY ON MOTHER’S DAY, RIGHT? Well, here at Scarf Art they will! Mothers, soon-to-be-Mothers, Future Mothers, Seasoned Mothers, etc., will have the opportunity to select ANY Scarf Art prroduct on our website during our “Have It Your Way” Mother’s Day Give-A-Way. Choose from our Fishtail Chic Neckerchiefs, Scarf Vest, Scarf Rings, Ruffle Collars, Traditional Neckerchiefs, Nautical Squares and much more! All you have to do to enter is simply, email us@CUSTOMERSERVICE@SCARF-ART.COM with the Subject Line “The Best Mother”. The dealine to enter is Saturday, May 12th, THE WINNER will be announced on Monday, May 14th. ENTER TODAY, YOU MUST BE IN IT, TO WIN IT LADIES!
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