Get Ready-for-Spring with 20% Off Scarf Art
SPRING IS COMING and all the good things it brings! The shedding of heavy winter coats, hats, gloves and the ushering in of pretty pastels, maxi dresses, flip flops, shorts, sleeveless clothing, tank tops/dresses, sling back shoes, straw hats, etc. Back-in-the-day wearing white after Labor Day was consider a fashion faux pas, WHO MADE THAT RULE? Thankfully, today’ women follow their OWN fashion rules, unapologetically. For an example, remember when boots were only worn in the Fall/Winter? Today boots are a year round accessory worn with shorts, maxi dresses, etc. The same goes for scarves, because of the variety of fabrics and designs scarves are also a year round accessory. Below are the Scarf Art designs we consider year round options:
Chic & Fishtail Chic Neckerchief
Large Neckerchief
Long Scarves with Front Button Closure
Ruffle Collar (featured in Spring White)
Small or Large Nautical Square
Scarf Vest
Ladies, we promise, it is NOT necessary for you to go beyond your closet for new outfits. We guarantee you CAN create several new outfits for Spring with your current wardrobe coupled with a variety of Scarf Art Designs. Try it, go to YOUR closet to determine what colors dominate your wardrobe. Now, GO TO to determine which scarves best compliment your current wardrobe. Checkout some of our post on Facebook labeled “For an alternative look” & “WHAT’S MISSING” on Pinterest. The Pinterest post also give you great ideas of what clothes work best with particular Scarf Art designs, color combos, jewelry, etc. Most of these combos will take you from work to play by changing your shoes or just removing your jacket. In addition, take advantage of our 20% Off Ready-for-Spring Sale, check it out,!
Keep in mind, we create custom orders, so contact us directly if you don’t see the color & design in the colors you need, We will work with you to get what you need. Remember ladies, when you coordinate the right Scarf Art design with what’s in your closet, YOU WILL EXPAND YOUR WARDROBE AND SAVE TIME & MONEY! In the meantime, get wardrobe-ready for Spring with 20% off all Scarf Art products! Visit us online@WWW.SCARF-ART.COM.
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